July 17-18th / New York CityJohn Jay College of Criminal Justice

Diamond Sponsors


Would you like to contribute to Decoupled Days 2019 by volunteering? We’d welcome your support.

Some of the low hanging fruit in terms of volunteer requirements:

  • Help in managing the event run smoothly. Any prior event management experience would be helpful.
  • Registration booth help.
  • Room monitors.
  • Photography team.

If you're interested, please contact the organizing committee and we'll get back to you ASAP to help figure out the contribution you can bring to the event.

What do you get? First of all a big Thank You from Decoupled Days and the communities that participate in the conference; second a free ticket to the event and an invite to the Official Party!

July 17-18th / New York City
John Jay College of Criminal Justice
524 W 59th St, New York, NY 10019